Mariposa is the membership journal of the Haiku Poets of Northern California. The print publication features haiku and senryu, as well as tanka, haibun, short linked verse, and brief articles related to these poetic forms.
Submissions for the twice-yearly issues are due in-hand March 1 and September 1. Only work by current HPNC members can be considered for publication. For information on becoming a member please see the How to Join page of the website.
All work must be the author’s original work, not previously published or currently under consideration at another journal or contest. No simultaneous submissions please. Work that has already appeared on web-based journals, personal websites and blogs, as well as web social media sites is considered published.
Send submissions of haibun, rengay, or other linked verse, plus 10 to 15 haiku/senryu/tanka, in the body of a single e-mail (no attachments) to the editor at mariposaeditor@gmail.com, or by regular mail to:
David Grayson, 30 Sand Harbor Road, Alameda CA 94502. Submission by e-mail is preferred. Postal submissions should include an SASE for notification. Selections are based on merit. Acceptances/rejections will be sent out shortly after the deadline.