David LeCount, Patricia J. Machmiller, Crystal Simone Smith, and John Stevenson
On August 29, 2021 the 31st annual Two Autumns Reading was held via Zoom and featured readings by David LeCount, Patricia J. Machmiller, Crystal Simone Smith, and John Stevenson. The chapbook Filling in the Sky, published to commemorate the reading was edited by Sharon Pretti, who also served as the emcee for the event. Originally scheduled for the summer of 2020, this reading was postponed due to the Coronavirus pandemic. While we were disappointed not to gather together in person, we are grateful to have the technology (as imperfect as it is) to gather virtually and to share this recording with the public. If you would like to purchase a copy of the chapbook Filling in the Sky, please contact our bookseller, Jim Chessing at jchessing@hotmail.com.